Light Wins by Shining


dscf3123We’ve been healing from the daily news explosions by taking long walks in the snow and listening for what is needed that we can offer our family, community, and world.

The Lord of Misrule used to be a peasant appointed to “rule” over the manor’s Christmas revelries, a kind of topsy-turvy silliness enjoyed for a few hours every year.dscf3218For us, the Lord of Misrule and his minions will begin their reign on January 20th, and the Feast of Fools will last four years. Maybe. The world is in a dangerous mood and silliness is not the proper response, so the feeling that anything could happen is more pronounced than when educated and sensible minds are at the helm.dscf3220So we lie awake and worry, or enjoy a few hours of denial here and there, or divert our attention to complete the tasks before us, or…well, you get the idea.dscf3162Walking in the snow, especially if it’s falling while we walk, calms the heart like nothing else. The world, so far as we experience it, is stilled, hushed, and peaceful. The expansive white engenders a quiet hopefulness, and if a full moon is rising, our spirits can’t help but rise as well.dscf3114dscf3018Last weekend, we went out to gather a few gifts. On the way home, Phillip dropped me off at the state park near our home. The snow was falling and I was alone, walking around acres that supported a thriving community 1,000 years ago. I walked through the spirits of babies, mothers, fathers, athletes, leaders, gossips, and artists. Most, I expect, were what we’d call “good” people; I imagine there were also a few who upset others routinely, and perversely pursued ego gratification, just like people in our culture do.dscf3066dscf3060dscf3047The only signs they were here at all are several mounds and reconstructed “forts” marking where theirs existed, because scholars and scientists cared to do this and, at the time, our state supported them. The ancient community seemed to end rather abruptly, after thriving for 300 years, and archaeologists are still trying to figure out what happened. I wonder if they elected a Lord of Misrule.dscf3086dscf3076dscf3032I walked home musing about all those who walked this land for centuries, over a thousand years ago, and what it all meant. We have no records of them as individual personalities, just tools, jewelry, artifacts, and suppositions, but they were real; they lived and breathed and laughed, and worked, and played, and maybe walked in the snow when worry overtook them.dscf3077dscf3058dscf3095dscf3112Phillip and the pups met me, and we walked along the trail and over the river where the Aztalan people hunted and fished. We enjoyed Micky’s navigation of his first snowfall, and then the sweet grace of just being here and now and present to small joys lifted my heart.dscf2930dscf2993dscf2979Life is a flicker of light and then we’re a long time dead, and possibly, in a thousand years, forgotten altogether. The miracle of being here at all is far too precious to waste on worry, I know, especially when the possible nightmares that are keeping me awake are utterly out of my control to prevent.dscf2951What I can do is find my peace, speak my peace, and be my peace. What I can do is be present to all the beauty, and the joy, and the great love that lights my life, and not avert my eyes or attention from it to fret about bogus and hollow men in power. When their madness affects me, I’d rather meet it as one practiced in love, peace, joy, and presence, then as the Mistress of Worry and Fear.dscf3217Dying and being forgotten isn’t a problem; not having infused every day I lived with as much love, peace, and joy, as I believe we all should—now that’s sad. Light doesn’t win by cowering and hiding; light wins by shining.dscf3168

Bless your gatherings and partings during this season of hope.

Bless your giving and receiving, your traveling and nesting.

Bless your heart and its tender yearning,

Bless your mind: May it be free of worry,

And deeply nourished by cheerful thoughts and merry company.

Bless your actions and their congruence to your words;

Bless your words and their congruence to your heart.

May you be the Light you’re here to be, and shine in the darkness

So others may see.

Joy to you,

And to the world.

Love to you,

And to the world.

Peace to you,

And to the world.


© Copyright of all visual and written materials on The Daily Round belongs solely to Catherine M. O’Meara, 2011-Present. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited, without Catherine O’Meara’s written approval. No one is authorized to use Catherine O’Meara’s copyrighted material for material gain without the author’s engagement and written permission. All other visual, written, and linked materials are credited to their authors.

7 thoughts on “Light Wins by Shining

  1. Fabulous photos Kitty! Merry Christmas. I know you love this season judging by your Christmas decorations in your pictures. I am so glad you have a happy family again to share the season with. Four leggeds make life whole.

    I bet you had a ‘bright’ experience at Full Moon Cottage this last full super moon! It was so bright up here with the snow it was almost blinding. Crazy times as you write about. Some can accept change, some can’t. It’s too bad humanity can’t come together on life’s offerings so we can move away from division into unity. I have faith I will witness it before I move beyond. I for one am wide open to change on every level now, I’m ready to morph into what we are meant to become next on this journey. We are SO much more than what we are witnessing. It seems life has become petty and it is time to bring back meaning and simplicity. This is our time to shine and create that new world we have talked about for so long. It is up to humanity to get its act together so we can do it as a whole. There are wonderful lessons in all that we are seeing, if we heed them is up to us. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    This next phase of our human experience can be so amazing if we are willing to let go and embrace change without fear, but rather a knowing and trust that all will be well. We are being asked to practice these new emotions and beliefs now. May we all be part of a bright future of peace one day soon. Blessings and love to you all. Pet everybody for me and all my best to Phillip..Merry Christmas Kitty…..VK ❤


    1. Thank you, Hollis, and to you and yours.
      Your hope seems abundant. I agree; lessons are always available. I hope for more patience and clear-thinking, more reasoned dialogue, deeper listening, and greater civility…that would be a good start, and would also create a space for all at the table to share their story and contribute to the inspiration we need to go forward in peace.
      Blessings on your celebrations and New Year! Blessings on us all.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, what a soothing post, how it puts things into perspective. We are only here for a short while and how true, it is a miracle that we are here at all. It’s not worth worrying about things we can’t control, as you say, being present is what it’s all about. I love your photos, and I love that walk and how you remembered those who walked before you. The pups have me smiling, how lucky they are to wind up with you both. Malarky has a presence now, he has come into his own, he looks like he was born to run in the snow.
    Light does win by shining, shine on gal!!!xxxx


  3. You are so right about Malarky, Dina: he LOVES running in the snow, although it’s already getting a bit deep for him. Micky is so tiny that he’s a little less in love with it, and the height is overwhelming, although we’re trying to shovel paths here and there…could be a long winter. 🙂

    The park is a lovely lace to visit and a great place to snow-shoe, too! It has a definite air of mystery and sacredness that’s just wonderful.

    I hope your Solstice/Christmas/Yule is lovely and comforting for you this year: Blessings galore. May Santa surprise you and remind you how special you are. 🙂


  4. Such beautiful images and such a wise and thoughtful message, Kitty. I’m so glad that you have re-embraced the light that is you. What else can we do? I think of all of the great souls that I look up to and I realize that most of them lived in troubling times and it was their light that survived and went on to inspire the rest of us. You are so right, the light DOES win by shining; thank you for always reminding me of the truest things to live by. Blessings on your new year, my friend.


    1. Thank you, Lynn. I’m glad for your light, too, and all those I see lit across the landscape…they keep me going and inspire me to add more logs of hope to my own little fire.

      I hope the New Year blesses you and yours with the questions, answers, and relationships that keep you shining! Joy to you.


  5. Your poem has resonated with me very deeply. As someone who has devoted my career to creating videos that educate, motivate and inspire, I am hoping to reach you about creating a video that supports your eloquent words with visuals. I want to honor your intellectual property and am hoping to get your permission. Please reach out and let me know your thoughts.


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