The Kindness of the Untamed Earth


When sorrows travel
too madly
in waves on waves
I go to the garden
and empty myself
to fill myself
with the scent of green leaves
geometric joys of whorling petals,
whirling birdsong the splash
of leaping river fish,
floating in waves on waves
buzzing sweet breezes meeting
kneeling releasing
touching earth
breathing bright silent
fireworks of blooms.

Find one small thing
to deeply love:
flower puddle beetle tree or toad
till it is you and you are it, all secrets
shared and known, and the door
of your heart will open
to oceans forests wildness
everywhere everything everyone here
and the kindness
the untamed earth
offers us,
as friends do,
when the world is too much
tilted towards sorrow.

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© Copyright of all visual and written materials on The Daily Round belongs solely to Catherine M. O’Meara, 2011-Present. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited, without the author’s written approval. No one is authorized to use Catherine O’Meara’s copyrighted material for material gain without the author’s engagement and written permission. All other visual, written, and linked materials are credited to their authors. Thank you, and gentle peace.

5 thoughts on “The Kindness of the Untamed Earth

  1. Beautiful words and accompanying pictures…

    On another note, I’m putting together a compilation of Pandemic writings and would like to use three of your pieces. Could you please email me so that I can explain the concept and details?

    Apologies for asking through a comment. I couldn’t find any contact form on the site.


  2. Oh, this makes me realize how much I need to get out there and spend some time in nature instead of working as much as I do (though I unfortunately do need to if I’m to pay the bills. 😊 ) I occasionally see those sweet, tiny frogs – so utterly dear. I never thought to pick one up, though they never run away. A lovely piece, Kitty.


    1. Thank you. I hope your work will allow you some breaks to reconnect with what feeds your spirit “outside.” ♥️

      Yes, quite a year for baby toads! They are everywhere in the gardens and yard this year. I love seeing them and dance to avoid harming them.

      Be well and safe, my friend. Xoxo


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